Emergency Life Saving Devices
We care about our team and our community
Photo courtesy of Alamosa County Public Health
It’s always important to be prepared.
While we continue to safeguard our team by following all Health and Safety requirements and other important industry standards, life still surprises us once and awhile. We hope it never happens, but there is always the chance a team member could unexpectedly collapse due to an unforeseen cardiac event. If an emergency such as this should happen on-site at either Swanson Transport or Lupton Carriers, we are now prepared for such an emergency.
Looking after our team’s well being
Swanson Transport and Lupton Carriers care about the welfare of our staff.Recently, we learned that the number of people who pass away from sudden cardiac arrest in New Zealand each year is greater than the number of people who are killed in traffic accidents. We found this statistic horrifying and have taken action.
We now have Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) at both business locations. An AED increases the chances of survival as it shocks the heart back into rhythm. CPR, while a necessary emergency safety skill for anyone to know, is physically exhaustive and can only help keep oxygen flowing to the brain until EMTs arrive with an AED.
Supporting public health
Swanson Transport and Lupton Carriers have also informed nearby businesses that we have AEDs on site.
Our goal is to be sure businesses operating close to our depots in Swanson and Henderson are aware these devices will be available for their use during business hours in the event of a life threatening emergency.
We certainly hope these devices will never be needed, but they will make a real difference in the event that emergency first aid is required.